Tuesday, July 14, 2020

I am so awkward.... It doesnt help that I'm now chubby, and I cut off my hair. 

I feel like I've been stripped of my alleged royalty. 

And shown that I am nothing. 


my voices want me to be the laughing stock of the town. 

It used to be a good thing to be chubby... to have excess weight..... it showed that you were rich. 

I hate that these mfs can read my mind. My broken mind. It remembers things. Bits and pieces. And it makes me look like a fucking dumb ass. I'm in another world. 

There are some scary prophecies. About me. And I SHOULD HAVE NEVER TAKEN ACID. But I don't like him anyway. I am trying to be perfect, but I AM A SWAMP DEMON AND I'M TRYING MY BEST HERE. But all my stuff, my accessories, my otherworldly things, are all messed up and broken.

I'm surprised people don't make fun of me. I'm a fucking freak. I feel like I'm too little, and traumatized, and I have been through a lot, and I'm experiencing a lot of pain. That's all I know. Is pain. And torment. I guess I deserve it. If I killed in my previous lives. I used to be so nice, full of light, they poisoned my soul. My handlers. I HAVE DISOCCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER. AND I MADE STRAIGHT A'S ON MY TESTS. I GUESS HE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO LIKE ME. AND WHATEVER. PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE. It's not right. I thought I was a Goddess, and I'm just some cursed freak. I am weird. Torment could do that to you. Every day. Something keeps embarrassing me. 

I kept craving Cokes because of the schizo meds. I just wanted some kind of kick. It's supposed to be like crack when you first open one. A rush. Idk. They are really bad for you. 

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