I am biologically female, but I'm trans and all my alters are male?? Has this happened to anyone else?? Just for funsies I wrote my alters. It was really helpful. I made healthy connections and unraveled some of the trauma.
Here goes, guys. Is anyone like me and the alters aren't human? Aliens, other Earthly races, or even Gods and Goddesses? Heavenly beings?

Cassius is an older gentleman, an advisor type, very responsible, as in the Roman empire's Cassius. He is a Snake God. El is an Illuminati member and time traveler. Hah, I'm poor as dirt. There's Orion the space captain that likes sex, drugs and snacks. Must get oring being a space captain so he's facing his darker nature atm.
He may be a Neko. (Cat person) Aaand Xanadu is not even human. He's a monster. Sea monster? Then there's Seth, as in the Egyptian God. I'm so drugged up on meds I have got to stop them. All I'm doing is eating and sleeping. My sister who I have a hunch is Athena told me to stop them. I thought I was Narcissus, who likes to hunt things and philosophize. There's a female named Shekinah that's a powerful and loving goddess and a female dragon. There's an old man named Saturn, who is equpped with a scythe. I guess I'm a reincarnated god. There's Anakin, yes like Darth Vader. Anakin is very sickly but getting well. I have an older women's dress that I call My Darth Vader dress. This isn't a joke. Carousel the fallen angel, who goes with a female angel named Seraquiel, which it probably sounds like I need some of that drug. These two double as Joker and Harley Quinn, with me being Joker. And a grim reaper alter? It's...magical...and very romantic with Harley, we'll call her, who passed away. What the heck is going on here. a Nazi alter, "John" which Harley wrote she wanted to turn her friends into Nazis, but I may have really been one which thank goodness I got him to feel remorse by reading about Rejected Princesses's story about a hero Jewish woman. I kept trying to tell them my schizophrenia was actually mkultra and DID. Maybe "El" is the target. Carousel hears God, whom this God voice told Carousel he was his "grown up friend." But I'm afraid it's just mkultra. John likes to patrol the town while thinking about his wife while I use my etra sensory abilities, like spotting royalty's secrets, free masonry symbols, and hidden graves. John is like a ghost and still in love with his wife, and has an amphetamine addiction sorta, just anything illegal or not that takes one from a boring pace to thinking fast or being fast. Just venting and trying to see if anyone is like me. John pays the shop keepers (most are forgeners) lots of money to support them while he is stationed in America, or so he thinks. I have to be careful with John because technically he is a veteran and I don't want to set him off to act violently, as his rifle seems to always be nearby, or so he thinks. There's also Shiva, who is VERY unhappy, about the environment and pollution, the oil spill. And a neglected child alter that complains about the mother being gone and being hungry. It's kinda sad. I hope I'm not all these gods and goddesses but the pills have to go. I think El was a conquistador. There's a merman..an elf man..I'm capable of producing 50+ fictional personalities, as in story telling. There's a fallen angel alter named Jamison, whom was loved very much and got named the demon of wraith. But that is old. Jamison seems to have family and cares for lil sibs. I'm also Roger Rabbit [sounds silly, but my voice sounds like his sometimes], and I know Jessica IRL as a friend of mine. There's another demon with the same speed addiction but they won't tell me his name, they just say "Ashwaganda" as his name which is an herb for calmness. I'm going to buy John an army quality messenger bag so we can have more fun exploring. There's also Alastair, who is a mage and a scientist. There's a clown named What The Fuck, whom Harley takes care of. And another man "Ember" that was a hired hit man that identifies as "the demon assassin of god" These are vampires. Or have connections to vampires. I also think I am the German supervillian HIM. Like from Powerpuff Girls but this one does tricks and stuff. I'm making connections and healing! Just from typing this up. IT gets bullied by the voices and is very depressed, but he loves his parents and Harley. There's a witch alter but he doesn't come out much so ? I know some of this may seem dark but remember, Carousel is "god's grown up friend" and Ember is a demon assasin of god that raised Harley in another life. She was a princess being put to death. Alastair and Set are practicing to be a psuedo priest. I never fit in very well in Hell. Are these past lives? Well they became DID. Some of mine are aliens, like reptilian and a mothman, which they don't think they can talk to mothmen yet. I hate when the aliens take over which was why I agreed to meds. But now Im unhappy. My life is just messed up right now. I'm a MILABS victim. It took me ten years to convince them I was Set, then they said the Mkultra was a horrible mistake and apologized profusely. There's also a male dragon and a male and two female reptilians. One was a Reptilian Queen.The mothman is male. I promise I come in peace. Lmao. Like I said, humans don't think they can talk to the mothman race yet. There's also Kookalu, which I get an "Oh no!" when he wakes up. Kookalu was the god of insanity. They make him a special food. Luna is another female alter, which is the goddess of the moon.

Feel free to chat with me. I'm new here. El was the dominant personality. And I'm trans so I hate my birth name. I think Mkultra trumatized me into remembering past lives.
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