Saturday, February 1, 2020

John, viewing Mkultra documentaries with actual brainwashing audio tapes.

John came out after we watched a Mkultra documentary.

John likes to smoke.
We acquired some cigarettes. So does Cassius. And Joker and El.

I guess all in all, we are a smoker. Probably always will be.

Anywho, we were watching this video.

They go to a scene of playing audio recordings of brainwashing.

John comes out and starts thrashing around and looks for his gun.
And his bag of his essentials to being a top Nazi soldier.

He wanted to fight, to break things.

We had to calm him down. We skipped ahead in the clip.

We apparently cannot handle this material.

I am a Jester. And a thought broad caster. That's why I compose so much.

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