Tuesday, February 22, 2022


What things can tell a lot about a person?

1. Give them free things more than 2-3 times and you will know their true character.

2. Observe whether they ask questions for gossip or growth.

3. Observe whether their words and actions are bound. If they are say something but didnt do it, don't listen to them.

4. Through your intuition.

Your intuition is actually the reaction of your limbic brain to subconscious cues, while your conscious brain has not yet realized it. So, sometimes I believe your first instinct.

5. The way they treat waiters and subordinates

How does he treat a person who does not harm his interests? This can reveal his nature.

6. The way they deal with criticism

If a person is unable to accept criticism from others, or even furious, the person may be very conceited.

7. His social circle

Gathering people in groups by things, what his friends are like, what he is like.

8. Their body language

Unless he has been trained to hide his body language, you can read the person's heart from his body language. For example, looking down at the floor during interviews and appointments is a sign of tension.

9. How is his money distributed?

Whether he spends his money on playing games, eating, drinking and having fun, or on future investments, this can reveal his values, and you can find out whether your values ​​are appropriate through this.

10. See how he reacts under stress

A person's character is affected by the primitive family, and it may be possible to disguise it under normal conditions, but under some pressure conditions, the person's original character will reflect.

Basically, we could tell a lot about a person through the above ways.

Monday, June 14, 2021






3) all i have to do all day is internet or whatever.. im in a rural town...no car... trapped by physics. 

marilyn mansons my dad

uhm.. i wanna fly out the window... of my room, not a car.if im a fallen angel. they told me i am. i believed them. i wonder if i could the difference between false memories and real. i wanna fricking leave this planet but im not threatening suicide at all. who is reading this. i have one reader. lol.

Monday, June 7, 2021

im worried about her shes losing her mind i do care very much about my mandy. i want uh him to be okay.
really want to know why today was so terrible at first, then things got better, for several hours, then bad again-- what the fuck happened."

 People ruined the internet

She said all I needed was some affection.... my chiron is in cancer.. my moon is in scorpio...doomed...

Friday, June 4, 2021

 Hello.. I am recouping from being inpatient. 15 fucking days. 

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Well, well, well

 Possibly infected with Corona, so, I'm gonna ask for a food donation or something from the nearby church. I can actually walk there. And have my grocery cart to bring. I'm taking anti viral medicines, and other cleanses, and trying to get well, also Vitamins, such as the famously needed D and Zinc. I should be okay soon, just my worst symptom is confusion =/

Just took my psychiatric pills, I don't like being on these things, and sometimes I think I have another disease, a tripping disease, you know, hallucinating virus, but no one believes me in this small town. So I gotta kill that too ~

Like instagram found our methods of healing unsafe, or just posted an alert, NO, I am not telling people to go get Estrogen blockers + testosterone, Lol... It's MINE, FOR ME, MINE, my way of getting better. IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM AM I TELLING ANYONE TO DO THIS, LOL. I may be a little crazy, but I've been studying herbalism off/on for the past 16 years, I know a little bit, I mean, I'm not a nutritionist or anything, and have a hard time eating with my meds like I am supposed to. Guess I should eat some gummy bears or something with the Latuda ~

Okay those were horrible, lol, but "they tried" so, they were a free donation, can't complain, haha; I tried to walk to Walmart but I didn't want to suddenly get out of breath or something other, I gotta just keep going but you know what? I am really getting tired of fighting.

I downloaded the holy bible app and I like reading the devotionals, like Christians writing several paragraphs centered around a verse and their real life experiences/advices. I just ordered more estrogen blockers... I don't know if I'm doing the right thing, I just want to be happy... I ordered another perfume mirror tray, one for myself, I gotta Mama one with a brush and hand mirror =) The seller offered it to me several bucks cheaper, I thought that was nice so I took it, mine has roses on it. I wish I could somehow figure out which one is right for who. 

We worry so much, forgetting there is a divine force making sure everything is going to work out fine~